PAF jobs join as an airman 2025 Online apply

PAF jobs join as airman and airwomen 2024
gender: male/Female
status: open
Status: closed
introduction to PAF jobs 2025
those students who pass the matric and FSc are waiting for PAF jobs vacancies and want to join PAF as an airmen and airwomen. PAF announces the latest pAF jobs vacancies in different branches, i.e., AIRMAN, civilian and commissioned, and short service commission.

PAF jobs 2025.
PAF Announced the latest jobs as airmen for both males and females all our country online registration will start for PAF jobs from 01 january 2025 to 16 january 2025.

PAF jobs airmen position 2025
AIRMEN vacancies are announced once a year. The PAF will announce the airmen vacancies which consist of the following branches/trades.
published date. | 01 january 2025 |
organization | PAF. |
Age. | 16 to 22 years & 22 to 28 y |
qualification | Matric, BA, BS |
martial status | un-married |
Last date | 16 january 2025 |
paf jobs Eligibility criteria for FMA, education instructor and sportsman.
PAF jobs Eligibility criteria for pF&di.
paf jobs Eligibility criteria for aerotarde.
- Age limit: Candidates must be between 15 and a half to 20 years of age.
- Nationality: Only male citizens of Pakistan are qualified to submit their applications.
- Marital Status: Applicants should be unmarried.
- Height: The height requirement is set between 163 cm to 168 cm.
- Educational Qualification: For PAF jobs Candidates must have completed their matric with a minimum of 60% overall, and they should have obtained at least 33% marks in the subjects of physics, chemistry, and mathematics. Additionally, a minimum score of 70 out of 150 marks is necessary in the English subject.

Eligibility criteria for MTD.
- Age limit: Applicants must fall within the age range of 18 to 22.
- Nationality: Only male citizens of Pakistan are eligible to apply.
- Marital Status: Applicants should be unmarried.
- Height: The height requirement is set between 163 cm to 168 cm.
- Educational Qualification: for paf jobs Candidates must have completed their matric with a minimum of 55% overall, and they should have obtained at least 33% marks in physics, chemistry, and mathematics. Additionally, a minimum score of 65 out of 150 marks is necessary for the English subject.
Eligibility criteria for GSc and provost.
- Age limit: The age limit for GSc and provost is 16 to 22 years.
- Nationality: Only male citizens of Pakistan
- Martial status: unmarried
- Height: The height of GSc and provost candidates must be 175 cm.
- Educational Qualification: Candidates must have passed the matric examination, obtained at least 55% marks overall, and have at least 33% marks in physics, maths, and chemistry, and a minimum of 45% marks in English, which means 65 marks out of 150.

How to apply for pAF jobs.
Following are the few steps you must follow during online registration.
Step 1: go to the website and click on apply online now.

Step 2: Next, enter your CNIC number without dashes and read the instructions.

Step 3: in this step, select the position to which you want to apply.

Step 4: fill in all the basic requirements and all information correctly. Once you fill it in and then submit it, a registration slip will generate automatically, and you can print it.

also apply for : join paf as commissioned
Paf airman online test.
Candidates who enroll successfully and get a date and time after the online application will reach the concerned selection center at that time. When you reach the selection center, the staff will check your documents. After that, you will be briefed about the online test.
The test includes an online test, which consists of verbal and nonverbal intelligence, English, physics, maths, and personality tests. For MTD, GSc, and provost, the online test consists of three stages: intelligence, English, and personality test.
Medical test
The medical examination test assesses the overall physical and mental health of candidates applying to the Pakistan Air Force. This requirement ensures that candidates possess the capabilities necessary to meet the challenges of a career in the Air Force. Those candidates who pass the initial online test will be informed for the medical examination test the next day.
- In a medical examination, a medical specialist and his team check the overall parts of your body.
- Height, weight, eyesight, skin test, arms, legs, nose, ears, private parts, etc.
- Instructions for medical examination: Before you go for a medical examination test, go for a check-up with any medical specialist.
- It would be best to clean your ears from wax before a medical examination.
- You must clean the underarms and gentile area (private part) from hair before going for a medical examination.
Interview for join PAF
- Make sure you will arrive for the interview on time.
- Make sure your dress is neat and clean and well pressed, free from dirt and stains, and no wrinkles.
- Your shoes must be polished, and your hair must be fresh.
- You must bring all your original documents, i.e., matric result card, certificate, domicile, a smart card, parents’ CNIC photocopies,
Most common interview questions for airmen:
- These are some common questions that are often asked in every interview for candidates applying to join Paf as an airman.
- Brief introduction about yourself in English.
- Family background.
- Why do you want to join PAF?
- What do you know about the Pakistan Air Force?
- Emotional questions.
- English grammar-related questions, i.e., tenses spelling English to Urdu translation, etc.
Merit list
After the interview, the merit list is published in the selection center of shortlisted candidates, and they are further informed next for the final medical test.
Final medical test
The shortlisted candidates in the merit list are informed of the final medical test. In the final medical test, every organ is checked by a specialist doctor. Some specialists will examine your final medical.
Medical specialist; height weight B.P blood test, urine test x-ray, and physical body structure
ENT specialist: ears, nose, and throat.
Skin specialist; skin
Eye specialist; eye sight check up.
Final board interview
In the final board interview, there are some advanced questions related to your introduction, Problem-solving questions, Basic English, Current affairs, General knowledge, Discipline and integrity.
Security clearance
After all this, a security clearance process is conducted for joining the Pak Air Force. The purpose of security clearance is to check the individual record.
Nationality and citizenship verification. Residence and family verification. Criminal record checks Financial verification.
After all these steps, candidates are called to the selection centre for documentation and enrollment and given instructions about joining.
Selection and joining
After all these candidates arrive at PTTS pre-trade training school Kohat for GST general service training, where your basic training will start as an Airman.

About PAF
PAF stands for Pakistan Air Force.PAF is the pride of our nation. It is the aerial branch of the Pak armed forces and is responsible for the security and safeguarding of the Pak airspace. In February 2019, PAF played a vital role in the swift retort mission and down two jets of India. It is a proud moment for Pakistan.