PAF ranks, scales, and salaries of airmen and officers.
introduction to PAF ranks.
The Pakistan Air Force has always employed a logo in the style of the British Air Force. The Pakistan Air Force adopted a British-style symbol on July 5, 2006. later It was modified to match the Turkish Air Force’s symbol.
The Pakistan Air Force’s rank system is frequently divided into three divisions.
Non-commissioned officers (Airmen)
Junior Commissioned Officers (JCO)
Commissioned officers (CO)
airman ranks
JCO’s ranks
officer’s ranks

Non-commissioned officers(Airmen)
The Pre-Trade Training School (PTTS) in Kohat is where selected candidates for the position of Airman (non-commissioned officer) receive their Basic Military Training. Candidates who aspire to professional roles receive the requisite technical competence training.
After completing their training, candidates were awarded the rank of Aircraftman in the Pakistan Air Force. The ranks of airmen are as follows.
The ranking list of non-commissioned officers (airmen) in the Pakistan Air Force
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Aircraftman [AC]

Airmen after induction and joining the training are awarded the rank of aircraft man [AC]. in the PAF Ranks system, The lowest rank in the Pakistan Air Force and many other commonwealth countries’ air forces is Aircraftman, which is BPS-7 and equivalent to a required in the Pakistan Army.
leading aircraft man [LAC]

In the PAF ranks system, an Aircraftman who receives a promotion and completes six months of his service becomes a Leading Aircraftman, sitting between an Aircraftman and a Senior Aircraftman.
Senior Aircraftman [SAC]

airman after passing out from the training is awarded the rank of senior aircraft man [SAC] which is equivalent to soldier rank in the Pakistan Army. Senior Aircraftman, is positioned between Junior Technician and Leading Aircraftman in the PAF ranks list basic psy scales for senior aircraftmen is BPS-7
Junior technician [j/t]

SAC shall be eligible for the rank of junior technician when he completes four years of service and passes the junior technician qualifying exam. It has been symbolized by a lone chevron beneath an eagle with its wings spread since 2006. Junior Technicians have a BPS-08 payscale and are ranked similarly to Lance Naik in the army.
Corporal technician [cpl/t]

junior technician shall be eligible for promotion to the rank of corporal technician subject to the following conditions.
Corporal technician is a rank of the Pakistan Air Force and the former British Royal Air Force, placed below senior technician and above junior technician. It is equivalent to the Leading Rate of the Pakistan Navy and naik of the Pakistan Army. The basic pay scale for a Corporal Technician is BPS-09.
Senior technician [s/t]

corporal technicians shall be eligible for promotion to senior technician on completion of 06 years of service as a corporal technician and passing the qualifying exam Senior Technicians are ranked above Corporal Technicians and below chief technicians in Pakistan Air Force. It is similar to Havildar, the Battalion Quartermaster. the basic pay scale of senior technicians is BPS-10
chief technician [C/T]

Chief Technician is the last rank of senior NCO in PAF ranks. the senior technician shall be eligible for promotion to the rank of chief technician subject to the following conditions.
S.NO | Ranks | salaries | BPS(Basic pay scale) |
1 | AC | 24000+ | BPS-07 |
2 | LAC | 28000+ | BPS-07 |
3 | SAC | 35000+ | BPS-07 |
4 | JNR/tech | 40000+ | BPS-08 |
5 | cpl/tech | 65000+ | BPS-09 |
6 | sNR/tech | 80000+ | BPS-10 |
7 | CHF/tech | 90000+ | BPS-11 |
Junior Commissioned Officers (JCO)
The ranking list of Junior commissioned officers (JCO) in the Pakistan Air Force
A group of military ranks lower than lieutenant (a commissioned officer) and higher than havildar (a non-commissioned officer) are collectively called junior commissioned officers or JCOs. Bangladesh, India, and Pakistan all use the word. Subject to the number of openings, senior havildars are promoted to JCO rank based on seniority and merit. The JCOs have additional benefits and are regarded as a separate class. Since the 1960s, it has been used in India and Pakistan and by the armed services of both countries to refer to the personnel who work as chief petty officers and warrant officers.
Assistant warrant officer [AWO]

According to the Pakistan Air Force’s ranks list, an assistant warrant officer ranks below the warrant officer and above the chief technician. It is comparable to the chief petty officer of the Pakistan Navy and the Naib Subedar of the Pakistan Army. Assistant warrant officers are paid on the BPS-14 pay scale.
Warrant officer [WO]

in Pakistan Air Force ranks warrant officers are placed, above the assistant warrant officer, and below the chief warrant officer. It is comparable to the Fleet Chief Petty Officer and Subedar of the Pakistani Army and Navy, respectively. Assistant Warrant Officers are paid on the BPS-15 pay scale.
Chief warrant officer [CWO]

a warrant officer shall be considered for promotion to chief warrant officer on fulfilling the following conditions:
it is comparable to the Pakistan Army’s Subedar Major and the Pakistan Navy’s Master Chief Petty Officer the basic pay scale of a chief warrant officer is BPS-16
S.NO | Ranks | salaries | BPS(Basic pay scale) |
1 | Assistant Warrant Officer [AWO] | 85000+ | BPS-14 |
2 | warrant officer [WO] | 90000+ | BPS-15 |
3 | chief warrant officer [CWO] | 100000+ | BPS-16 |
PAF Ranks officer
The ranking list of commissioned officers (CO) in the Pakistan Air Force
An officer in the Pakistan Air Force who has been granted a commission, a formal document granting the officer the ability to oversee and command soldiers, is a commissioned officer. In the PAF, commissioned officers organize and direct military operations, advise and train airmen, and represent the “PAF” in various settings, including talks and diplomatic events.
also check: join PAF as a commissioned 2024
Pilot officer [P.O]

A PAF Commissioned Officer is a Pilot Officer. A pilot officer’s pay scale is BPS-17; it is senior to officer cadet and comparable to a second lieutenant in the Pakistani Army and a midshipman in the Navy.
Flying officer [F.O]

The pilot officer shall be considered for promotion to flying officer after completing one year of service as a commissioned officer. It is equal to the rank of lieutenant in the Pak Army and sub-lieutenant in the Pak Navy, according to the Pakistan Air Force’s ranking chart.
Flight lieutenant [FLT LT]

completion of 04 years total commissioned service with 03 years in the substantive rank of flying officer. In the Pakistani Army and Navy, it is equal to a captain and a lieutenant. A flight lieutenant is paid on the BPS-17 scale.
Squadron leader [SQN LDR]

completion of 10 years total commissioned service with 06 years in the substantive rank of flight lieutenant, an Air Force squadron leader is ranked above flight lieutenant and directly below wing commander (in the PAF ranks list).it is similar to having a major in the Army and a lieutenant commander in the Navy. A squadron leader’s salary is BPS-18.
Wing commander [WG CDR]

completion of 14 years total commissioned service squadron leader become considered for the rank of wing commander. According to the Pakistan Air Force’s ranking system, a Wing Commander is ranked below a Group Captain and above a Squadron Leader. It is equivalent to the rank of lieutenant colonel in the Army and commander in the Navy. Squadron leaders are paid on the BPS-19 pay scale.
Group captain [GP CPT]

completion of 18 years total commissioned service wing commander become considered for the rank of group captain.In the PAF ranks list, a Group Captain of the Air Force is ranked below the Air Commodore and above the Wing Commander. It is similar to having an army colonel and a navy captain.
Air commodore [AIR CDR]

group captain becomes considered for the rank of air commodore after completing 02 years of service in the rank of group captain. The rank of Air Commodore is one star. It’s a strong rank. According to the Pakistan Air Force ranks list, it is ranked below the Air Vice-Marshal and above the Group Captain. It is equivalent to the rank of Brigadier in the Army and commodore in the Navy. An Air Commodore rank has a BPS-20 pay scale.
Air vice-Marshal [AVM]

The rank of Air Vice-Marshal has two stars. Compared to Air Commodore, this position has additional authority. It is ranked below the Air Marshal and above the Air Commodore. It is equivalent to the rank of Major General in the Army and Rear Admiral in the Navy. An Air Commodore position has a BPS-21 pay scale.
Air Marshal [AM]

The rank of Air Vice-Marshal has three stars. Compared to Air Vice-Marshal, this position has additional authority. It is ranked below the Air Chief Marshal and above the Air Vice Marshal, like a lieutenant General in the Army and vice admiral in the Navy. An Air marshal rank has a BPS-22 pay scale.
Air Chief Marshal [ACM]

The Pakistan Air Force’s supreme commander for command and control is designated by the four-star commissioned air officer rank and title of Air Chief Marshal. Although it is officially referred to as the highest rank in Pakistan’s uniformed forces, in actuality, it is analogous to the positions of Army general and naval admiral. It is granted and commissioned to a three-star air marshal officer by the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. An Air Chief Marshal rank’s pay scale (salary) is BPS Apex.
Marshal of the Air Force [MAF]

A five-star position is the Marshal of the Air Force or Marshal of the Air. Often referred to as the most senior and potent position in the Air Force, it is the highest official rank in the Pakistan Air Force. It is similar to the field Marshal of the Army and the admiral of the fleet of the Navy. BPS Apex is the highest-ranking and most powerful position in the Pakistan Air Force in terms of pay grade (compensation).
S.NO | Ranks | salaries | BPS(Basic pay scale) |
1 | Pilot officer [P.O] | 60000+ | BPS-17 |
2 | Flying officer [F.O] | 70000+ | BPS-17 |
3 | Flight Lieutenant [FLT LT] | 85000+ | BPS-17 |
4 | Squadron leader [SQN LDR] | 100000+ | BPS-18 |
5 | Wing commander [WG CDR] | 115000+ | BPS-19 |
6 | Group captain [GP CPT] | 125000+ | BPS-19 |
7 | Air commodore [AIR CDR] | 150000+ | BPS-20 |
8 | Air Vice-Marshal [AVM] | 170000+ | BPS-21 |
9 | Air Marshal [AM] | 180000+ | BPS-22 |
10 | Air Chief Marshal [ACM] | 200000+ | BPS-APEX |
11 | Marshal of the Air Force [MAF] | 200000+ | BPS-APEX |